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Posts tagged ‘drupal’

Wanted: Web content management

With the hassle of web maintenance, companies are finding it a challenge to keep their web sites up-to-date after the initial launch. Getting it designed and published for the first time is great! The site looks new and fresh. But after weeks… months… years… without proper maintenance, the web site can become a stale and uninviting, which does not reflect well on the site owners.

Most smaller firms are not keen to hire a web master full-time, and some larger ones have an entire team looking after their web assets. But even with a large team, it is sometimes still cumbersome to update the site content with fresh releases, as these often come from the brand/communication channel, whereas the web team tends to be based as part of the I.T. department; and hence the update gap – where press releases sometimes do not get posted on the corporate web site a week after they appear in news sites or papers.

Some organisations have chosen to use content management tools to help them close this gap. However, content management tools range from the freeware that cost nothing (e.g. OpenCMS) to those that require a hefty investment (e.g. Interwoven). So, how do we know what is suitable? It’s anybody’s guess. I’ve been doing some research on this lately, and my friend Google has turned up quite a few articles on various web content management tools. Not all of them are very meaningful and some require payment before you can read anything. But I have found several useful writeups here and there, and will list them here so it is all ‘under one roof’ for if anyone else needs the reference… and I’ll update it as I go along.

5 reasons why Drupal is not Enterprise ready

Many Open Source content management systems written in PHP want to be recognized by the business industry as being “enterprise” ready. This is not only a mark of prestige and status but places them in a position where large companies are ready to invest in the software as a platform for their projects. Drupal is now trying making its move to be enterprise ready but has a long way to go.